Symposium & Teaching course submissions

Submissions for Symposium / Teaching course / Workshop are now closed.
Proposal submission closes –  15 October 2024
Call for abstracts - December 2024


The Scientific and Organising Committee (SOC) invites you to submit a proposal for a session to form part of the programme of the congress. The ECCN has a well-deserved reputation for scientific and educational excellence and the SOC would like you to contribute to this.

There is the option to submit a proposal for symposia, teaching courses and workshops.


The core of the symposium includes three presentations which cover recent academic and clinical discoveries, innovative methodologies, and critical reviews of current trends. Duration is 90 min.

Teaching Course

A specialised educational session designed to provide in-depth training and professional development for delegates. It needs to focus on specific skills, techniques, or knowledge areas relevant to the participants' fields. It should include theoretical lectures and interactive sessions and/or practical demonstrations. Duration is either 90 or 180 min (please specify in proposal) and includes up to 3 speakers per 90 min.


 An interactive session to delve deeper into specific methodological, clinical or research-specific topics. It emphasizes practical and hands-on training. Similar to teaching course with practical session. Participants may engage in simulations, or real-world scenarios to apply the concepts they learned and develop practical skills. Workshop duration is either 90 or 180 min (please specify in proposal) and includes up to 3 speakers per 90 min.  

Financial Support

Accepted Symposium, Teaching course and Workshop Speakers will receive a free Congress registration.

In the form you will be asked to provide: